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Wellhead Protection Installation Services for Workover Operations:
At Sippar Oil Services Ltd, our dedicated wellhead protection installation services are meticulously designed to ensure the safety and structural integrity of your well during Workover operations. Clients can rely on our expert team to follow these comprehensive steps:
Wellhead Identification:
Begin by identifying the specific wellhead to be protected by the well program.
Ground Channel Alignment:
Align two ground channels on the site away from the wellhead, ensuring proper spacing for the protective cage feet.
First Half Cage Installation:
Carefully pick up and install one-half of the protective cage onto the ground channels away from the wellhead.
Secure the half cage to the ground channels using bolts as specified in the design to stabilize the structure.
Positioning the First Half Cage:
Slowly move the ground channels on either side of the wellhead until the installed half cage is close to the tree. This positioning, likely beyond the center point, reduces risks during the installation of the second half cage.
Emphasize the importance of not lifting the cage over the tree and avoiding any contact with the tree or wellhead during this process.
Second Half Cage Installation:
Pick up the remaining cage section and install the leading feet onto the ground channel on the opposite side of the Christmas tree, away from the wellhead.
Slide the second half of the cage into the first half, maintaining a minimal distance above the ground channel. Ensure proper alignment of the mating surfaces.
Secure the two half cages together according to the design specifications and secure them to the ground beams.
Final Adjustment:
Re-adjust the complete cage over the tree as necessary to provide the best possible protection at the site.
Safety Precautions:
Emphasize safety measures, including avoiding lifting any construction material above the well.
Ensure that all materials are slid on the ground (or very close to the ground) around the Christmas trees.
By choosing Sippar Oil Services Ltd, clients can trust in our systematic and secure wellhead protection installation services during Workover operations, always prioritizing safety and structural stability.
How to be a well protector
Sippar Company For Oil Services Ltd
Iraq - Basra - Al-Zubair Oilfield Near The Gate of Well 20
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